Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday morning.

Monday mornings are stupid. I mean just when you need the least stress you have the most- the start of a new work week, kid's going to school after a fun weekend. (they are always moody.) Metermaids seem to be a little more zealous in their ticketing at the start of the week, you know how it is with quota's. Mondays should be switched with Wednesday, and Friday switched with Monday. that way Tuesday and Thursday could have some breathing room and everyone would feel a lot better if the work week started on Friday. When the middle of the week came, and we are all numb and mindless from working hard to make it through the hump day then who would care that it's Monday anyways? The best part of this plan is when Wednesday comes and you realize it's not the middle of the week, but actually the begining of the weekend! Genius!

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